Easymax Seasonal Solar™
Easymax Seasonal Solar™
Earn credits for your excess solar power^
During the sunnier months of the year, activate the Easymax Seasonal Solar™ rate of 30¢/kWh* for the electricity you import and export. That’s when you are likely producing more electricity than you consume and can export to the grid at that premium rate.
As the daylight hours decrease and you are consuming more than you produce, you can switch back to your current Easymax® fixed rate** for a lower import rate**.
You have the flexibility to change the rate** throughout the year†.
The above schedule is a recommendation only. You must proactively change the rate to suit what’s best for you. ENMAX Energy cannot automatically change your rate and cannot guarantee which months you will be able to export back to the grid. Your ability to export back to the grid depends on many factors including but not limited to the weather, your electricity consumption and the efficiency of your home.
Easymax Seasonal Solar™
Easymax Seasonal Solar™ rate
Current Easymax fixed rate**
*Prices do not include an Administration fee of an average of $0.28 per site, per day, for electricity, delivery-related and other charges, and taxes.
**Some conditions, admin, other fees and taxes beyond the electricity and Easymax Seasonal Solar rate™ also apply.
†You can switch between the Easymax Seasonal Solar™ rate and your Easymax fixed rate once per month by calling 403-514-2700.
^Terms and conditions apply. Easymax and Easymax Seasonal Solar™ by ENMAX Energy
If there is a material change in regulation, we may choose to change or terminate the Easymax Seasonal Solar program immediately on notice to you. ENMAX may also terminate the Easymax Seasonal Solar program for any other reason by providing one month’s notice to you. See the Easymax Seasonal Solar terms and conditions for details.
Sign up today!
You can sign up for both Easymax and the Easymax Seasonal SolarTM rate by reaching out to our solar team^ at 310-6010 or solarsupport@enmax.com
Do I qualify for Easymax Seasonal Solar™^?
- You must have a bi-directional residential meter.
- You must be on an Easymax fixed rate* electricity plan.
- You must be a small solar micro-generator.
- You must generate electricity from a micro-generation generating unit with a total nameplate capacity of less than 150kW.
- You have confirmed that your site has been activated by the distributor. Refer to your microgeneration application with your solar installer on how to verify the status.
Costs, credits and your bill
Our team is here to help
General solar system, micro-generation credit and billing questions
Current ENMAX solar lease customers
ENMAX Power micro-generation applications
ENMAX Power meter exchanges or general
If you’re a solar installer looking to connect a system to the Calgary network please visit ENMAX Power’s Distributed Generation page.