outages and safety

Safety at ENMAX

Safety at ENMAX Corporation

At ENMAX, we believe that no part of the service we render shall ever become so important that we will endanger the life or limb of another. We are working hard to build a safety culture that involves all employees and works toward our vision of an injury free ENMAX Corporation.

Safety - Nobody Gets Hurt

Safety is a core value at ENMAX and everyone has a role to play. We believe that there is nothing more important than the health and safety of our employees, contractors, customers and the communities where we work.

Safety is a key part of the ENMAX culture. While we do all we can to anticipate and prevent errors and workplace incidents, we know that mistakes and failures will happen. By growing our capacity to fail safely, our goal is that nobody gets hurt when incidents occur.


Safety Performance

ENMAX measures safety performance across all our operations. This is done in several ways including tracking and analyzing incidents, and reporting on and evaluating hazards and near misses. This data lets us see trends and proactively identify hazards and potential safety issues so we can make process improvements, implement controls and design our procedures to prevent future incidents from occurring.


Our Safety Team

At ENMAX, we have a dedicated occupational health and safety team that helps educate and protect the public as well as our employees. This team visits our field crews and responds to public incidents involving electrical equipment to help companies learn from issues that may occur, and facilitate further training on working around power lines.

Safety Events


City of Calgary Safety Expo

Every March, three thousand Calgary students get the chance to attend Safety Expo, Calgary’s premiere safety event for kids. ENMAX is a proud sponsor of this event and works in conjunction with the City of Calgary’s Animal and Bylaw Services office, Calgary Fire, Police, Alberta EMS, The Red Cross, Girl Guides and safety groups like AED-ARSA and ACSA to organize and run the event.

As a sponsor, ENMAX pays for the buses that bring the students to the Safety Expo, and sets up an exhibit to discuss electricity and safety where students can try on safety gear and learn how to stay safe at home, school and play.

Learn more

ENMAX Rodeo & Safety Expo

The ENMAX Rodeo & Safety Expo is an annual event that showcases the technically complex roles of powerline workers and rewards the safe and proficient execution of necessary skills through a series of fun, competitive events. The event highlights the critical importance of safety being our top priority in everything we do and celebrates the essential role powerline workers have in our everyday lives. This family-friendly event includes our rodeo competition, safety expo, trade show, and family fun zone.

Learn more about the ENMAX Rodeo and Safety Expo.